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VooDoo Floss

RockFloss is a new, reusable mobility tool that can help you move better.

About VooDoo Floss

RockFloss uses the science of compression and fascial shearing to help ‘unstick’ muscles and joints so they move better.

You can use RockFloss on almost any part of the body; the only limitation is the size of the body part you intend to treat. Shoulders, knees, wrists, elbows, hips and ankles are all great target areas. You should never use RockFloss on your head or neck.

RockFloss can be used before or after training, or as part of a rehabilitation program. If you are currently being seen by a medical professional, you should talk to your medical professional about using RockFloss.

FMT RockFloss
Compression Band Certification

FMT RockFloss Certification introduces the concept of skin/fascial/nerve gliding to help reduce tissue swelling, improve movement and modulate discomfort* with the use of ‘compression band floss’.This course will cover the anatomy, physiology and neurology of the effects of compression band flossing on connective tissue gliding, tissue traction and tissue compression.

Interventions with compression band floss (including direction and pressure concepts) will be reviewed and integrated into current rehabilitative concepts.

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